All students have strengths and challenges. The department believes it should assist students with disabilities to build upon their strengths and diminish the impact of challenges as it relates to the education of the individual child.
What the Department Believes
Early intervention* is crucial in addressing the needs of students with disabilities. The department also recognizes that early intervention should include support and resources provided both within the standard education program through MTSS as well as supports through the Special Education/PPS Department.
Strive to help students meet the demands of the adult world by establishing and working toward the accomplishment of appropriate educational goals, assisting students in setting realistic and meaningful transition (life) goals, fostering self-advocacy in students, and facilitating any necessary agency linkages.
Services should be provided in the least restrictive environment. While committed to a continuum of services, the department recognizes the advantages of interaction with non-disabled peers. Special education/PPS staff will strive to achieve the balance of providing sufficient services for meaningful progress while being vigilant in ensuring that these services are delivered in the least restrictive environment.
Provision of appropriate educational services is a team effort involving educators, parents, student and the community. To achieve success, the department must not only ensure high quality involvement of its staff, but also endeavor to encourage parent involvement and support and to encourage the commitment of the individual student to his or her own education.
* Early Intervention refers to the timely implementation of intervention strategies or programs and services. It is not intended to reference birth - 3 programs.
The school district provides a free, appropriate public education to students with disabilities in accordance with state and federal mandates. In order to receive special education services, a group of educational professionals and the parent must determine that the child has a disability as defined in special education laws and must determine that the child needs special education and related services.
If you believe your child may be eligible for special education services, please notify District personnel as follows:
- For a child between the ages of 3-5, please contact Early Learning Academy to schedule a preschool screening appointment at (630)301-5016. If you have specific concerns with your child's development, please contact Anita Conklin (Early Childhood Special Education Coordinator) at (630)301-5362.
- For a student in kindergarten through 12th grade, parents should write a letter (or send an email) to the principal requesting a case study evaluation. Include (1) your child’s name; (2) the reasons you believe your child may have a disability; (3) the reasons you believe your child needs special education and related services; and (4) your child’s medical diagnoses (if any)..
If your child is referred for a case study evaluation, the School PPS Team will determine whether a case study evaluation is warranted. The School PPS Team will consider whether interventions have been attempted and other factors including educational progress, interaction skills, and functioning in the school environment. To make a decision, the School PPS Team may utilize screening data and may conduct preliminary procedures such as an observation of the child, assessment for instructional purposes, consultation with the teacher and a conference with the child. Parents will be notified if a case study evaluation is or is not warranted.
If the School Team determines that a case study evaluation is warranted, the School Team and the parents will conduct a Domain Review Meeting (DRM) to determine the areas in which additional information, with parent consent, about the child is needed. After the School Team has gathered the additional information, a meeting will be held to review the results of the evaluation and determine whether the child is eligible for special education and related services.